Saturday, July 30, 2005

Small Error I may have miscounted by a few days. Hey, when counting over 50 days, I reserve the right to make a mistake here or there! Just to let you know, since Monday is the first of the month, and our race is two months (60 days) after the 16th day of the month, monday is 76 days left. So, I'll be starting back a bit. Good news though, for those of you who need a few extra days to get ready.
Oh, great job to Elissa and Peter for their fabulous 8 miles. It was 81 degrees outside when we finished! I'm going to have to work a bit harder if I'm going to be keeping up with them.
So, this weekend, begin the "long" runs. The race is 11 weeks from tomorrow, so you have 9 weeks to work up to at least 12 miles for your long run. If you do your calculations correctly, your long run this weekend should be no shorter than 4 miles, but probably closer to 6. That will leave you able to do the same distance long run twice at least once, just in case one particular distance proves difficult.

Friday, July 29, 2005

72 Days

Well, it's Friday, and another day off from running. I hope everyone is doing well in their training. I do have an 8-mile run planned for tomorrow morning if anyone cares to join me. I know I always do better when someone else is taking my mind off the activity! Peter, I have to say I'm impressed. Almost every bit of mileage we did last night was right on. When you said "we're a little over 2 miles about now", we were indeed at 2.2 miles. When you thought we were a little over 3, we were in fact at 3.1. And finally, your guess of about 5 and a quarter miles, also quite accurate, we were at 5.3! Good run guys! Jen, Jules, I hope to get to run with you guys soon.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

73 Days

It's not that early, and I haven't run yet, but Elissa and I are planning a run for tonight after space if anyone wants to join us. We are planning on doing 5 or 6 miles, but if we do the loops around the guys' house, people could stop after 3 if they wish. Peter said he was thinking about joining us as well.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

74 Days

74 Days left for us (including weekends), but 100 days left for Kyle in his class (not including weekends). Well, according to the schedule, this is a short day for me. Only 3 miles. And, I must say, although the heat has broken, the humidity has not. So, it was still just a little difficult to breath. Still, I'm looking forward to hopefully good weather for us on the big day, October 16. Don't forget, the price of registration goes up October first, so we have some time, but it's not completely unlimited!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

75 Days

Today was the first day of "official" training, and the last day of this scorching heat! Just in case you are wondering where I'm getting this "official" training from, there is a Nike site that not only allows you to log all of your runs, keeps track of how many miles are on your shoes, keeps track of the races etc. that you have planned, but it will also set up a training schedule for you for any long race. And, you can tailor it to your own personal goals and experience.

Monday, July 25, 2005

76 Days

This morning, it is my job to try to get the air conditioner fixed. Perhaps it's the thermostat that something is wrong with, not the air conditioner. All I know, is that when the temperature in my house reads 93...I don't feel like running. It's a good thing today is a day off for me. It should be the hottest day in the week, but tomorrow is Lalah's birthday. So, for the rest of you, that leaves a dilema (that is, if Lalah is doing something for her birthday on her birthday): Run today, the hottest day of the week -- mind you it is only by one degree, or run tomorrow, when we might be going out. Either way you play it, drink pleanty of water today and tomorrow! Keep Cool guys!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

77 Days

Alright, if we can make it through Tuesday, we should get a reprise from this heat. High of 99 tomorrow and 98 on Tuesday, and after that we are back down to highs in the 80's! Maybe we should work on a plan for a late Tuesday night run (say 9:30 pm) or something like that so that we can all beat the heat.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

78 Days

Alright, when it rains it poors. Murphy's law, whatever can go wrong will. Last month, we hit a day or two with a heat index over 100, I was out of town, and my air conditioner broke. We managed to get it fixed relatively cheep. We all know it's hot again this weekend, and guess what. Yup, while installing a new thermostat (a more energy efficient/automatic/programmable one), my air conditioner broke, and there it is again, heat index over 100 tomorrow! So I ask you, what good is an air conditioner if it only keeps it cool when it's only moderately warm? I guess it's time to shop.
So, just wondering, did you guys do your long run this morning (I did 7 today), or are you going tomorrow? How did it go? And, again, I don't advise running after noon either day this weekend. I know you've worked all week, and it would be nice to sleep in, but the forcast at noon is calling for 90 degrees, and a heat advisory thereafter.
Oh, and Jules...I highly recommend "The Island"!

Friday, July 22, 2005

79 Days

TGIF baby! No running for me today. Although, it's kind of a trade off when one is getting up early on Friday anyway to go to the DENTIST!!! Besides just being a friday (and therefore automatically getting the day off just for that fact), it's nice to have a day off just before a long run. I was going to do a race on Saturday, but gosh, $20 is a lot of money to go run 3.1 miles without all my friends! Jen, perhaps I'll see you Saturday morning at the Arboretum? I figure we'll need extra fluids due to heat and humidity, so I can keep some water in my car. And, since it's a loop, we can all run different distances. Elissa's sleeping in, so she won't be there.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

80 Days

Those of you who work for a living during the summer may wonder what kind of people we see out in the morning...despirate housewives? Not even close. I tell you, when I get up extra early to run, I feel very wise. Why is that? Everyone I see has to be older than 100! Sure, I know, old people get up early naturally, so I should expect to see them out, but I think the real reason they walk in the morning is because they are wise. When I go in the afternoon, I see a bunch of people in their 20's and 30's with their dogs looking at them like they are crazy!
Oh, and keep in mind, there is a heat advisory today from noon to 8, so if you plan to be out doors running, 8:15 or later would be a great time to go!

81 Days

81 Days left until the commencement of the mini-marathon. I found myself running at 8a.m. today in order to beat the heat. The problem is, while heat is annoying, humidity is a problem too. I did find that 71 degrees at 100% humidity, though more pleasant than 78 at 86% humidity (believe it or not, the 7 degrees makes a bigger difference than the 14%), it still produces just as much sweat. I did my staple of 5 miles this morning, and plan on running in the Bluegrass State Games this saturday at 7:30 a.m.
I know, I know, not everyone has the luxury of beating the heat by running in the morning, but as official training does not start until next week, 3 miles would be fine for today. Or, if you really want to push it in this weather, 4.

Monday, July 18, 2005

83 days

You readers who are faithful to the tip of the day may wonder...83 days to what? Another Harry Potter reference? Someone else buying a new car? Until Jay ever meets that 500 mile mark for an oil change? Nope...83 days until Pete and Jen run their first ever mini-marathon, Elissa and Kris run their second, Julie runs her third, and Jay finds out that he'd have been better off to prepare for it!

OH, and for those of you counting, 62 days until the "Great Race"

So, for the next 83 days, be prepared for an account of the training for those of us who care to train, and Jen...consider this your motivation!