Monday, October 17, 2005

Official Results

Elissa Roycraft -- 1:46:42 -- 8:07 pace, 3rd age group of 42 (one was taken out of our age group awards for winning an overall award), 12th of 216 women
Kris Sundheimer -- 1:57:35 -- 8:58 pace, 13th age group of 42, 56th of 216 women

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Results are in!

Elissa did awesome! 2nd in the age group, 12th overall woman, and a super swift pace of 8:08/mile bringing her in at 1:46:45!
I had my PR as well, coming in at an 8:59/mile bringing me in at 1:57:41, and earning me 58th overall woman.
As far as I can tell, there were 232 women, so I did achieve the top fourth of my gender. But, that doesn't include women who signed up and decided not to run, nor does it include those who signed up on Saturday. So, as soon as more official results are in, they'll be posted!
A special thanks to Jen, Jules, and Pablo for coming out and supporting us when we needed it the most!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

4 Days LEFT!!!

So, we have two days of running, two days off, and then the race! I did run yesterday with the boys cross country team, and I kept up pretty well, and felt pretty good, so I'm thinking I'll be alright. It still makes me nervous thinking about it...
Oh, and my pirate name...Captain Bess Cash. Finally worked on that this morning, and although I know national talk like a pirate day has long passed, at least I know for next year.
Wish the HC CC team luck at the city meet this afternoon!

Friday, October 07, 2005

9 Days

9 days until the big can almost start counting how many miles we each have left to run. I say almost because I almost always do more than I'm suppose to. This is quite unfortunate because I only have 26 miles now to go until I reach my 1,000 mile mark, and I'm quite sure between my 4 miles today with the boys, 10 miles this weekend, and the 12 scheduled miles I have next week, that I will be exceeding my goal of hitting the 1,000 mile during the mini, and hitting it before. This is especially true since I have every intention of running more than 12 miles during the week next week! But, as far as the schedule is concerned...26 miles until the mini!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

10 Days

I can't believe there are only 10 days left! I did have a really good run today though. A very solid 7 miles in just a little over an hour. Tomorrow, I'm going to take a risk and run with the cross country team...the boys. We'll see how well I keep up! It's only 4 miles, but gosh, some of those guys are fast! I figure it will be a good workout for me, and it will help me decide how I want to coach next year too.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

11 Days

Today is possibly the hottest day of the week. I'm so glad I scheduled my run around it. How exciting though...the 10 day countdown starts tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

12 Days

Getting down to the wire now, and I think I've gone crazy. In the last 3 days, I've run 24 miles in an effort to feel better about the race. I will take tomorrow off, but I'm getting a bit nervous, I have to admit.

Monday, October 03, 2005

13 Days

Well, the longest run before the race is out of the way. I wish that it had not been so humid, and that I had not been sick, because I've had better runs, and my confidence has gone right out the window. I'm hoping for a good 8 miles and a good 10 miles this weekend to help that. As for the other days of running this week, either 7 and 3 or 5 and 5, depending on which days I choose. Thanks, Elissa, for motivating me on 6 of those miles yesterday!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

14 Days

Two weeks from the main event...gosh, now I know I'm counting right. Elissa and I did our first run as neighbors this morning. Mine did not go well...too humid, and too sick. Two things that made it very difficult to breath. And, you wouldn't think it, but one week without my long run really had an impact on my physical ability to do one! I hope I'm ready when the time comes!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

15 Days

Another beautiful day for the Henry Clay cross country team to be out running. Wow, we've really been blessed with weather for our meets so far this year. And what a big meet it was out at the Kentucky Horse Park. I didn't technically run today, but I did chase a bunch of high school students all over the park yelling "go ____" and "move up and catch ____", and "use the downhill"! You know, all kinds of useful things.