Monday, July 25, 2005

76 Days

This morning, it is my job to try to get the air conditioner fixed. Perhaps it's the thermostat that something is wrong with, not the air conditioner. All I know, is that when the temperature in my house reads 93...I don't feel like running. It's a good thing today is a day off for me. It should be the hottest day in the week, but tomorrow is Lalah's birthday. So, for the rest of you, that leaves a dilema (that is, if Lalah is doing something for her birthday on her birthday): Run today, the hottest day of the week -- mind you it is only by one degree, or run tomorrow, when we might be going out. Either way you play it, drink pleanty of water today and tomorrow! Keep Cool guys!

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Kris said...

Well, it wasn't the air conditioner or the new was a circuit breaker. So, I'm slowly cooling off!


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