78 Days
Alright, when it rains it poors. Murphy's law, whatever can go wrong will. Last month, we hit a day or two with a heat index over 100, I was out of town, and my air conditioner broke. We managed to get it fixed relatively cheep. We all know it's hot again this weekend, and guess what. Yup, while installing a new thermostat (a more energy efficient/automatic/programmable one), my air conditioner broke, and there it is again, heat index over 100 tomorrow! So I ask you, what good is an air conditioner if it only keeps it cool when it's only moderately warm? I guess it's time to shop.
So, just wondering, did you guys do your long run this morning (I did 7 today), or are you going tomorrow? How did it go? And, again, I don't advise running after noon either day this weekend. I know you've worked all week, and it would be nice to sleep in, but the forcast at noon is calling for 90 degrees, and a heat advisory thereafter.
Oh, and Jules...I highly recommend "The Island"!
Kris--Well, it looks like you fixed the blog issue that you called about this morning! Good job! Wish I had the wherewithall to jump in on the mini challenge. I'm afraid I'm still attacking a plan for 5Ks! :-P
Oh, now I'm really embarassed, Peter must have fixed it. I have no idea how, or if I even can! No reason to jump straight to a marathon. Start small, and build, and before you know it, you'll be running the fall Mini of 2006!
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